Tuesday, November 09, 2004


I was out with a friend of mine the other day and we had met her sister while we were out. Since my friend's sister's appointment got cancelled on her, she joined us for a bit. I was watching them together and it occured to me that my sister and I will never have that kind of relationship. Not because I don't want to, because believe me I have tried. I think its mostly due to the age diference between us, which is 11 years. I used to think that she was an irritating pain who was always in the way... but then again, when you're in the early teens EVERYONE is an irritating pain. Needless to say, I didn't develop the kind of bond that other sisters seem to have, which I see all around me; my cousins, my mom & her sisters, my aunts, my friends. Added to that, I can't be the sister that I know she must need especially at 15 because, being the oldest, I didn't have anyone around to tell me that it was all right to feel this way or that and every time I try to be that sister to her, we usually end up arguing or fighting, sometimes not speaking for days. I wonder if my situation is unique or are there any sisters out there who are going through the same thing?

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