Friday, November 12, 2004

Reality - based on a true story or purely fictional?

I was going through some blogs, one in particular, & it got me wondering how things get the way they are. The author of this blog, from what I gathered, is a 20 year old woman from Sg who is very erm... modern as are alot of 20-somethings in Sg, in the sense that she has pretty much discarded what has been traditionally known & accepted as Asian (or more accurately, Malay) values.

I brought this up to a friend and the answer I got was, "Well, that's reality." And that got me thinking even further... how, and when, has being blatant about sex & sexual relations become 'reality'? I'm not the conservative or traditional type myself but I still feel that there are things that should remain sacred. I mean, I am absolutely aware that premarital sex has become something of the norm today but to talk about it, or in this case type, for anybody to see? Granted, nobody would know who we are, except those who already do. But still...?

20 or 30 years ago, a person could get ostracised for such things & that was 'reality' then. So how did 'reality' get from what it was 30 years ago, to what it has become today? & if 'reality' can change, then is there such a thing as 'reality'? & if there is no reality, what is it that we live through each day after day after day? & if there is, & it can be changed... does that mean someone gets to say what goes & what doesn't?

So when you think about it, if this were true, it would explain alot about alot & it makes you think about where it all comes from, doesn't it? And it's not just about sex, it's about practically everything that we have already considered to be the norm: "to be thin, have fair skin and long, straight (preferably of a certain colour) hair, is to be beautiful" or "high heels make a woman's legs look damn good" or, my personal favourite, "money makes the world go round". So, is reality a true story or just a work of fiction?

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