Friday, November 12, 2004


Our family was out for dinner the other day with an old friend of my dad's and his family. Dad has been friends with Uncle Ibrahim for 40 years now and it got me thinking whether Arni & I will still be friends 27 years down the road. Arni & I have been best friends since we were 13, just like my dad & Uncle Ibrahim, and boy, have we been through shit! We've fought, fell out, argued over a guy (OF ALL THINGS!), seen each other at our absolute worst and to this day, I have to say there is no other person on Allah's beautiful Earth that I would rather have as my best friend. She has always been a loyal friend who stuck by me but she was also the first person to tell me that I've screwed up. It's funny, though. It occured to me that throughout the years, although we've had different circles of friends but when it comes down to it, I've always preferred her company over anyone else's. Watching the way Uncle Ibrahim & my Dad talked to each other, even though Uncle Ibrahim lives in KL now, that familiarity, that closeness... it's really what friendship is all about: no matter how far apart you live and how long you haven't seen each other, true friendship stays with you. It's true that people change throughout the years but when you've been through hell & high water together, the friendship would most likely stay the same. It's just like Arni & me, even though we are definitely not the same people we were then, I like to think that we have grown together as friends and individuals. So, here's to you, Arni, for being the great friend that you are.

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