Saturday, November 27, 2004


I overheard a conversation that deeply saddened me. It was between two sisters & it was about their mother. I wasn't eaves-dropping or anything, I just happened to be in the same room as they were when the conversation started. The sisters were very animated, not to mention loud, that after a few seconds, I had no choice but to leave the room, excusing myself to use the bathroom. It started innocently enough, with one sister asking the other what the price of groceries were these days, & it went downhill from there. One sister started accusing their mother of being too spendthrift, while the other, as though wanting to add fuel to the fire, accused her of spending the money on herself. It was at this point that I walked out.

It was ironic that two children could be so... mengira (I really can't think of a suitable English equivalent for the word) of their own mother. I mean, this was the woman who endured 9 mths+ of pregnancy, went through labour, fed, clothed & took care of you when you couldn't take care of yourself & yet you still have the nerve, the heart to say that she uses too much of your money (one of the sisters give the mother an amount of money each month for groceries, bills & whatnot)? Can you really put a value to all that? Actually, this was not the first time I had experienced this... bad-mouthing their mother seemed to be a hobby (for want of a better term) between the sisters, each always had something to add when the other had a disagreement with the mother.

Every time I think about it, it makes me sad... That people should hold such contempt for their parents that they would bitch like that. Okay, I'm no angel & there are times that I have to admit I do feel erm, pissed about something my mom said to me but I wouldn't bad-mouth her to anybody. I mean, come on... she may not be perfect, she may not be an angel or a saint... but she is still your mother, isn't she?

Forgive me if this blog sounds pissy... kinda frustrated & pissy at the moment...

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