Wednesday, February 18, 2009


When you lose someone, the most difficult time has to be when everybody leaves. When you're forced to face the fact that she is gone and that you'll never be able to see, talk, hear, feel her ever again.

As long as there are people around, it's easier to pretend that things are going to be okay. That you'll get over it and you'll get used to the idea of her not being there anymore.

With other people around, you may be forced to think of how it might look if you start bawling like a baby every five seconds. Granted, they would understand but still... it's pretty embarrassing for some.

When everyone's gone, that's when it starts to sink in. That's when everywhere you look, you see her smile. That's when everywhere you turn, you hear her laughter. Even when you close your eyes, you can smell her all around you.

And there's nobody there to distract you.


::phoenixnoir:: said...

who you talking bout?

ainsamsudin said...

nobody in particular... every death in general, really.... used she coz the three ppl i knew who passd recently were women