Thursday, February 05, 2009

What would I do without u guys?

I never thought as myself as family-oriented... in fact there was a point in time where I thought that my family just didn't get me and everything I did for them was just ... wasted. Harsh and unfair I know, but that was just how I felt. But not anymore.

When I first started living in KL, doing my diploma @ Academy TV3, I thought that it was the best thing that could happen to me... that maybe now, they'd appreciate me a little... oh, how naive I was. Not only was it NOT the best thing to happen to me, I was lost without my family. Totally lost! Needless to say, the first six months in KL was an absolute failure... There were so many things I did & didn't do that now, I cringe at the very thought of. Subhanallah,how embarrassing and humiliating! Those days will always be remembered as the darkest days of my life.

Staying in KL, away from my parents & my siblings, has made me realise that I am a homebody after all and there is nothing more I like than to spend time with the people who matter most in my life, even if we're just sitting around doing our own stuff.

Ibu & Ayah have bought a house in Masai & have invited us all to stay with them and I just can't wait! I can already imagine being there together with my parents, my husband & son, Adik, Sofiah, Din & the babies & maybe Fareed & *ahem*. It may be just a little crammed but who cares! I'm already picturing what I should do with my room and daydreaming about furniture & fixtures. I just can't wait!

I never realised how much my family means to me until I had to live away from them and now that I have, I really don't want to anymore...