Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The lil one's growing fast!

Iwan has started taking his first steps & the first time he did, last saturday, I was jumping up & down! It's amazing to see this little person gain a new skill... he had been trying for some time but never really seemed to get the full courage to do so, so when he finally did it was pretty awesome!

I was also glad that I was there to see it. Being so busy with work, one of my great fears is that I would miss out on any of the milestones that my baby reaches but ALHAMDULILLAH I haven't so far... I was there when he first turned over and raised his head... the first time he started pulling himself up to a sitting position and crawling... the first time he pulled himself up to standing position and started cruising... and now, walking...

Alhamdulillah, I have been there for all of them... I hope Allah gives me a chance to be there for all the others! Amiin!

1 comment:

::phoenixnoir:: said...

Such a sweet post! I can't wait to see him walk!!
And Kak Sof added that she can't wait to see him run around with the two other little tykes!
OH MY GOSH!!! My kiddies are growing uP!!!
BILE BILE BILE!!!!! Nurul pon naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!