Thursday, March 26, 2009

i haven't been in the mood to blog for a while... haven't really got any inspiration to, either... nothing new has really happened in these past weeks except iwan starting to walk and all... but other than that, i've been going through the motions like a robot.

i enjoyed the recent hols though... i spent a week + with my family & it was amazing... we had a bbq the sunday after i came back & then we went to malacca the following thursday. mom & dad got a family suite so all 10 of us could stay together & that was very enjoyable... i suppose it's because i've practically been on my own for the past 10 years so being with loved ones is something i treasure tremendously... we also went to take a look at the johor house with uncle malek, dad's contractor friend... he's got the best ideas... he runs his own company & his work has been published in some magazines... he took a look at the house & came up with some really great ideas to do up the house... i already have an idea in mind for my room... from the ikea catalogue no less!! heehee...

so that's about all i think... still can't wait till the end of the year so i can be with my family *that means you too TATA!*

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