Friday, April 03, 2009

my excitement for the month

so the aircon in my classroom caught fire this morning...
some animal flew out of it when i turned on the switch & then a few minutes later there was this explosion & flames came out of the aircon! naturally i was worried so i turned off the switch & shooed the two girls who were in the class with me... the flames had disappeared by then but smoke was curling out of the back of the darn thing...
in those few short minutes, word had gotten out that a fire had taken place & students were gathering outside my class...
the saying "curiosity killed the cat" started buzzing around in my mind...
i started looking for an extinguisher... there wasn't one around on my level so i rushed downstairs & there was one but *how embarrassing* i couldnt lift the damn thing... rushed back upstairs & asked the help of one of the male teachers *truly, may Allah bless you a thousand times!* & he rushed downstairs, got the extinguisher & put the fire out!
by then, two other teachers were around & had helped get my table, chair & books out of the way & the flames had gotten bigger & were dripping ... dripping!... down onto the floor!!
the smell was horrendous!
so... the walls are ruined... my class looks like a tornado hit because i cant bring myself to go in & clean up as i can hardly breathe *not only because the whole thing shook me up a bit but also because i think all the smoke gave me asthma*
the kids were all really excited though... they spent the whole morning playing around, not having to go to class... not having a class to go TO...
what a waste of a paint job

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