Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There is one thing I treasure above all else & that is family. No matter what I have said in the past, I would do anything and everything I possibly can for any member of my family who may need my help. And that includes in-laws. I feel really sad when I hear of people who wouldn’t, lend a helping hand to family members in need. I mean, even if you can’t help them physically or financially, you could always give support, right? A listening ear... a shoulder to cry on.

I can’t imagine not doing anything when my own flesh & blood (or my husband’s) are hurting with some problem. Sometimes I hear people mistreating the people closest to them & it just breaks my heart. Being snubbed by a family member... that’s the worst thing that can happen to a person. I’ve heard from other people who’ve experienced such things and I’ve witnessed it being done by some people around me and I don’t like it. I mean, no matter what that person has done... no matter how busy you think you are... no matter how many other people are ready to rush in & help the person in question... if you know a family member is in distress, the very absolute least you can do is lend moral support, isn’t it? That is, if you can’t do anything else... but come on, don’t leave the person hanging.

That being said, it has to be said that I have the absolute best family in the world (this includes you too, Tata). Every single member of my family would readily drop everything and help any other member who might be in trouble. All praise be to Allah who has allowed me to be in this amazing family. My parents, Allah bless them, have been there for me & have helped me through so much I can only hope to be able to repay them. The same goes for my siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles... I feel so fortunate that I was born into this family. I know I haven’t always shown this & have said a few things to the contrary before but I know better now. I wish there was a way to take it all back but for now I can only hope & pray that I will never forget everything they have done for me & that Allah will give me the chance to repay them some day


Anonymous said...

Blood is thicker than any other circumstance....

Anonymous said...

Right baack atcha sis