Thursday, October 09, 2008

Right BACK at you

Don't you just hate the backhanded compliment... You know, when someone says something really nasty but covers it up with something erm.... not so nasty? Like "Wow, you were such a knock-out when you were younger!" & you'd be left wondering whether you should smile or hit the person with an ice-cream truck! Personally, I'd always opt for the ice-cream truck. It always begins so innocently... talking about old times, how silly you were back then, or how weird the haircuts were, or the strange kitty with the blue hair... & then suddenly, "You know, I used to feel so inferior to you back in high school." Man, I never know what I should do when that happens.

People who do this... give the backhanded compliment deserve to be... backhanded, honestly. I don't really know what they're trying to prove. Well, obviously they're trying to say that they're the bees knees la but please... if YOU have to say YOU'RE great, maybe you not all that after all.

So a friend of mine told me something that happened to her a few days back. This friend of mine was a total hottie back in secondary school. Well, she's still a hottie now, no matter what she says. *You know I love you, baby!* And she had a friend who used to follow her around like a .... erm.... little pet. Harsh, you think? Not if you knew her. Anyway, this little pet, who always thought of herself as ugly & fat & whatever la (or at least, that's what she told us), used to worship & idolise my friend the babe. Wouldn't leave her side for anything... as far as I saw it. So, they met up again a few days ago & you know, did the old 'long time no see' bit & got to talking about how much they've both changed & the little pet looks at my friend & says, "I don't know why I used to feel so inferior to you last time." Apparently, according to my hot friend *yes, I'm going to keep addressing you as that everytime I talk about you* the little pet has now gotten all grown up & glam & all that. O....K.... well, to me, she's still just the little pet that got big.

I always knew she was abit jealous of my friend, no matter how much she tried to cover it up. She tried to look humble & sweet by saying stuff like "ye la, aku kan buruk" but WHAT a load of cowdung!

So anyway... yes, I know I sound pissy... but I think everyone is entitled to once in a while, kan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woaahhahah.... it's funny that she felt inferior to the HOT babe. She is after all one of God creations........