Thursday, October 09, 2008

Vicious Cycle

You were hurt... you felt the pain... but so did I. The words you said, the things you did... you may not have seen it but let me tell you they hurt. You say you've swallowed your pride again & again... over & over... whenever they hurt you... guess what, I've had to do that... again & again... over & over... whenever you hurt me.

I try to look out for you, whenever I can... I've come to your defense more than anyone else... have you ever asked me what's been going on in my life?

I know I haven't always done right by you... I know I haven't always been there... but since I have, haven't I tried to be fair?

I know I'm flawed... I make mistakes... but what you've done & what you've said have gone beyond what I can accept.

You demand to be treated fairly... to be just like the rest of us... but do you treat us the way we treat each other? You demand affection... the kind YOU want... but did it occur to you that some people aren't like that?

Did it occur to you that we, all of us, have been bending over backwards to make you happy... it hasn't been easy... you want us to change our minds about how you are... but have you changed?

You have your pride... you have your ego... but you know what? So do I.

You demand respect, but do you give it back?

Look what's happening... you say he hurt you... he says he was joking... he says you hurt him... you say you were joking... when will this end?

You say you've been giving in? Well, I'm sorry but you should... BY VIRTUE OF YOUR AGE ALONE!

Hard to swallow? Can't accept it? Live with it... you have to... you're stuck with us, like it or not.

So, whose ball is it now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know someone who is exactly like that...... it's funny that such pple think they are always the victim but it actually appears otherwise.... Don ya think?