Monday, September 15, 2008

Love at first sight

When I had my miscarriage my mom reminded me that there's always a reason for everything that Allah does. In my grief, naturally, I failed to see the silver lining behind that dark, grey cloud. Far from holding blame or 'losing my faith', I gave in wholeheartedly to His Grace and Will.

Even though I was devastated, I told myself to be patient and that Allah had bigger plans for me. I held firm to the belief that He would never test me with something I could not handle. But deep in my heart, I still couldn't help thinking about what could have been. Even throughout my pregnancy with Chikuk, his Dad and I would still talk about the baby we lost. I'll always feel some guilt for that. But all that would soon change.

I remember... The first time I locked eyes with my little prince (9 LOOOOOOOONG hours after he was born because the nurses felt I should rest), I finally saw that brilliant silver lining. What Allah had been preparing me for... Had I had the first baby, this beautiful, amazing, wonderful being I was holding in my arms would never be in existence. I would never know the joy and happiness that only he could have brought into my life. I thank Allah for giving me the strength to hold on and be patient. And for this wonderful gift that he has given me...


Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAH!!!! UPDATE!!! crying right now!
Such a sweet post.

ainsamsudin said...

update wat?