Tuesday, June 23, 2009

it isn't everything

a colleague of mine had her house burgled yesterday while she was in school. they took everything portable... including her daughter's clothes... and diapers. DIAPERS!

this is what the world has come to

to the point where there are selfish, thoughtless, inhuman people who would actually steal a child's DIAPERS

oh, and they even took the time to raid her fridge

it's terrible that the world has come to this... that people lose their compassion and the very thing that makes them human... just for those pieces of paper

it's terrible because people are doing this just for a few extra pieces of paper... pieces of paper that don't even have any value on their own

it's disgusting and sad because life on this earth doesn't even last forever... one day we'll all grow old and die and this world will end and no amount of small pieces of paper will make a difference

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