Monday, June 15, 2009

funny thing happened the other day

i am stupid. i am an idiot. i am a stupid idiot!

i accidentally erased ALL my pix in my new digital camera. ALL 140 OF THEM!

how much more idiotic can you get?

gone... the pix we took at colmar tropicale

gone... that fab dinner with my friends whom i haven't seen for A G E S

gone... those adorable pix of chikuk being adorable & chikuk

i hadn't even copied them to my lappy!!


i am such an idiotic stupid person . . .

on another note...

chikuk did a really adorable thing the other day when we were at bukit tinggi *the video of which i had actually recorded but, of course, being the stupid idiot i am, has been erased along with all the other great pix & videos... but i digress [deep, deep cleansing, calming breath]

anyway, chikuk got a new toy *courtesy of Nana*
it's a plastic tortoise with a detachable shell that has geometric patterns on it & geometric blocks *of sorts* that you're supposed to put in through the holes on the shell... i would show you a pic of it but... IT'S GONE!
chikuk was playing with his Daddy & Daddy was showing him how to put the blocks into the corresponding holes in the tortoise's shell. Daddy takes a block, slots it through its hole, removes the shell, takes the block out and demonstrates again. then he hands the block to chikuk. chikuk takes the block, looks at daddy, removes the shell and dumps ALL the blocks into the tortoise's body, fixes the shell back, looks at Daddy again and says, "Dah (done)!"

is that hilarious or what?

i wish i had the video to show u . . .

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