Sunday, May 03, 2009

letting off steam

*this entry is a rant*

so this is the situation... i work

i work from 7.30am to 4.30pm... but most days i have to stay until around 7pm & wait for my husband to pick me up... usually to finish up any work but more often because of the financial situation we are in... we have enough, alhamdulillah, but sometimes not to enable me to go home by cab every single frigging day

in the meantime, while I WORK, i leave my son in the care of my in-laws... they had volunteered to do so & my husband & i have obliged... mind you, we were reluctant to in the beginning because we did not wish to impose on my mil who has had to take care of practically ALL her 10 other grandchildren *and is still baby-sitting 2 others*... but after i gave birth, SOME PEOPLE kept pushing that we should leave the little one there, seeing as how expensive daycare centres can be, especially if I HAVE TO WORK LATE... besides, it's always better to have family take care of the little ones, isn't it? can't, & won't, argue with that...

so i have been working late these past weeks, making worksheets, marking worksheets & books, compiling revision exercises & whatnot *i'm teaching the exam classes*... i work on saturdays too *extra classes for the kids & also teachers training*... my husband picks up my baby after work, then picks me up... he takes care of our son on saturdays when i'm not around & on sunday mornings he brings him out so i can rest a bit longer & get some house work done *have you tried cleaning up after a one-year-old who has just discovered the endless joys of dumping?*

it has come to the point where SOME PEOPLE think it's okay to comment on my mothering skills... *or lack thereof, according to them* ... apparently to these people, it seems to them as if my husband is doing what i should be doing *ie taking care of our baby* it seems to them that i don't lift a finger when it comes to MY SON...

let me tell you something

i will be eternally grateful that my husband is not the kind to simply leave the care of babies to their mothers... i will be eternally grateful that he takes the baby out once in awhile so i can clean up the house a bit and rest... he is a great husband & father but he does not do everything... we share our workload as equally as possible

not once have i ever left my child in the care of others simply to go shopping or hang out with friends or go on holiday or play futsal... the only time my son has slept apart from me was when he was 4 days old & had to be hospitalised for jaundice... even then, i sat next to his bed for most of the night because i couldn't sleep... i have never gone on holiday & left my 4-month-old to be taken care of by the maid *not that i have one* WHEN HE WAS IN HOSPITAL...

i'm a working mother who doesn't have a maid to help with stuff around the house... i do my own cleaning & washing & sweeping & vacuuming & what-have-you... there are SOME working mothers i know with maids who leave EVERYTHING to their maids... the housework & caring of their children

what's funny is that its these mothers who think that i'm being the bad mother because i work too much & never seem to be around, even on weekends... what's funny is that these mothers would rather get their maids to do everything, even get a simple glass of water for their screaming kids, than lift a finger around the house who say that i don't spend enough time with my son

what gives YOU the BLOODY right to comment on my mothering skills when you leave your children with the maid til 1 bloody AM just so you could go out & have coffee? what gives you the right to say that i let my husband do everything when you let your kids sleep with someone else just so you can go clubbing? what gives you the right to say that i work too much & impose on other people to babysit when YOU do that just so YOU don't have to take care of your kids? are you saying because you think your job's harder you need more rest & more time on your own?

take a look at yourself in the mirror before you judge others... better yet, don't judge unless you're ready to be judged...

some people think too highly of themselves... they should be brought down a peg or two... or maybe ten...

bloody *tooooooooooooooooooooot*

1 comment:

ainsamsudin said...

thnx... i really needed to hear that... not that i think im better than them but sometimes a woman just needs to hear she's doin something right!

luv u!