Thursday, May 07, 2009

the end of the rope

i feel desperate

it seems everything i do, i can't get through to them
i'm tired of raising my voice just to make myself heard but it's as if that's the only way to get things done

giving them the silent treatment never works... i could be standing there for 10 minutes before they even settle down
it's so annoying because i can see that some of them actually do want to listen... that they do want to get on with the class
so what do i do? let the rowdy ones do as they please and just pay attention to those who really want to listen?

i want to help them, i really do but how long can someone go on standing there talking when half the class is busy talking and playing? how long am i supposed to take it before i start feeling like a bloody fool?

i find myself scolding and punishing them & i can see the disappointment & anger in their faces whenever i do... i don't even care if they don't like me... i mean it would be great if they did but i'm more interested in making sure that they do well... in school and in life

maybe i'm just not cut out for this job...

it's a blessing that i'm moving at the end of the year

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