Tuesday, December 02, 2008

What does FUNDAMENTALISM mean?

The words fundamentalism and terrorism have often been used together when they talk about my religion. The religion I love and hold dear to my heart. And I don't know why. This link is not only made by people who don't know any better but also by some fellow brothers and sisters of Islam. Do they know what they're saying?

The definition of the word fundamentalism means the strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles. In Islam, you can't get any more basic than the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad *PBUH*. So, brothers and sisters, what are you really saying?

Our Prophet *PBUH* was not a violent man. He was a patient, caring and gentle man. Our Prophet *PBUH* would never, ever condone the actions committed by some people in the name of Allah & Islam. Any person who adheres to his teachings and doesn't go astray, in that sense a FUNDAMENTALIST, would never, ever consider doing any of the things that are being done by some people under the guise of Holy War.

So... why is there the association that Muslim Fundamentalists are terrorists. Or rather, that Muslim terrorists are Fundamentalists. Oh, by the way, is there really a need to call them Muslim terrorists? Terrorists ARE terrorists whatever their beliefs.

As you can gather, I am, or try to be a fundamentalist. I try to adhere to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet *PBUH* and I am NOT a terrorist. I do not believe that it is alright to strap myself with bombs & blow up a building to make a point to the kuffar. I do not believe that doing that is a form of jihad. I do not believe that doing that will grant someone a martyr's death. I do not believe that killing innocent people, women and children, kuffar or otherwise, is something that is in any way acceptable.

And also, as a fundamentalist, I do not believe in doing things that the Prophet never taught, even if the intentions for doing so are pure. There is nothing good about doing something that the Prophet himself never did (in terms of religion).

Also, there is no such thing as practicing the religion in moderation. You can't have Islam in one aspect of your life and not have it in others. It's just not possible. You are either a Muslim or you aren't.

I also believe that Allah will forgive you no matter how big your sin. NO MATTER HOW BIG... as long as you do not commit syirik... Even then, if you truly repent, He will forgive you.

I believe in, and try to adhere to, the basic principles and teachings of the Prophet *PBUH*. I am not a terrorist and I do not condone terrorism in any shape or form. Nor would any fundamentalist of this beautiful religion.

Go check the dictionary if you don't know what fundamentalism means.

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