Friday, October 17, 2008

My Boyfriend

I know I don't say this enough but I have the best husband in the world. You may say that I'm biased and ask me how I could possibly know that because he's the only husband I've had and blah blah blah... but I do honestly think my husband is just the mostest.

I know sometimes I don't really show it or sometimes I act mean or sometimes I say things that might suggest that I feel otherwise but Omar Ja'afar is just amazing!

When I was pregnant, he gave me back and shoulder rubs almost every day, for an hour each time. Every time I got hormonal (even before & after my pregnancy)and nasty, he would usually be kind and understanding and almost never angry (I think there were 3 or 4 instances *in total* when he did, but I don't blame him because I did cross the line). He gave me foot rubs when I was 8 months into my pregnancy & even cut my toenails for me because I just couldn't reach my toes by then!

He tries his best to give me anything I want (not that I'm in the habit of asking for anything just because) and doesn't get pissy if I ask for something we can't really afford ( he just tells me we can't but gets it for me as soon as we can).

He's also an amazing dad... He is so attached to Ridhwan and spends as much time with him as possible... playing with him... bathing him... changing his diapers... helping with the late night feedings those first three months. He seldom complains when I wake him up in the middle of the night to change the baby's diapers or heat up the milk.Sometimes, he'd take the baby out in the mornings just so I could get some extra hours of sleep.

I could list half the things he has done for me since I've known him and won't be finished next week!

I know we've had our differences... I mean, how can you know someone for almost 10 years and NOT have any, right? We've had more than our fair share of really, really terrible fights... broken up once... but all in all, he really is one of the best things that has ever happened to me & I really am thankful to Allah for having him in my life.


Anonymous said...

if this is not aww-inducing then I don't know WHAT is!!

singing praises of someone who doesn't deserve it is already nice......doing it to someone who DOES deserve it is on a different plane altogether!

sweet sweet sweeeet!

Anonymous said...

No doubt $$$ makes the world go round. To be around with your loved ones ESPECIALLY... tops it all. don't ya think?