Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who says women are second-class?

In practically every culture, women are treated as second-class.They're not allowed to own land or inherit property... they're not entitled to a good education... their presence is either decorative or seemingly non-existant.

In practically every culture, women are downtrodden... they are abused and neglected and they accept it... because they believe it is their lot. In practically every culture, the female form is something sexual... or fertile. In practically every culture, the woman has become more of a symbol than an actual being.

But not in Islam.

Ever since the religion was first revealed to our Prophet (pbuh), the rights of Muslim women have been clearly defined. In Islam, women are allowed to own and inherit property. The Prophet's(pbuh) wife, Khadijah, was an established businesswoman. In Islam, education is key, for both men AND women. The Prophet's(pbuh) wife, A'isya, was a scholar by the time she was 18 years old and whenever the Prophet(pbuh) was not available, the Companions would seek her, and the other Ummul Mukminin, counsel on many religious matters.

In Islam, a woman is seen as a Muslim, first and foremost, a woman next, and the rest follows. She has the right to choose whom she marries and a right to object to another's wishes. She has the right to divorce a husband who is abusive or refuses to fulfil his obligations as provider.

In Islam, a woman may not be seen but she will definitely be heard. She may be covered up but in no way does this mean she is lesser than man in her opinions, in her ideas or in her faith. Even the act of covering herself is entirely the woman's choice.

In Islam, the rights of women have been clearly defined and practiced throughout the years.

Isn't it funny that it is this glorious religion that's constantly being blamed for oppressing women?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Women is highly regarded in the eyes of Islam.... however there are times, the practise of oppression in some men tarnished the reputation of our religion.