Thursday, October 16, 2008

If There's One Thing I Hate...


I can't say it enough.

I hate those people who listen in to conversations they're not invited to. I hate people who make comments about what's being said in conversations they were never invited to in the first place. I hate people who then spread the contents of the conversation to other people who have no business knowing what the contents are in the first place.

I hate those people who look over your shoulder to look at what you're reading... writing... typing... looking at (unless, of course, they were invited to read, write or look at the thing). Please, people... have you heard of personal space? I hate those people who then make comments about what you're reading, writing, typing about or looking at. Who asked you?

I hate people who think it's okay to spread untruths or half-truths or create out & out lies about other people for the sole purpose of having something to say. Get a life!

And last but not least... I hate the people who listen to these people talk about other people & buying what's been said without finding out the truth on their own.


Anonymous said...

ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

ainsamsudin said...

ehh... sape tu terasa? if u terasa, its probly not u sbb these person are so thick-skinned to even realise that i'm talkin abt them... altho, i don't think they even read my blog heheh....

but really... sape tu terasa?

Anonymous said...

usually they have a lot of time to be nosy and meddle in other people affairs... sadly, they r always blinded by their own.

ainsamsudin said...

that is so true. sometimes its so annoying... they can make comments about the bad things that people do without realising they do pretty nasty stuff themselves. i've been hurt by too many of these kinds of people i really feel sick of them!