Thursday, September 18, 2008

But I already knew this!

It came out in yahoo today... Malaysian taxi drivers are the worst in the world... well... I’ve known that for quite some time now. I mean, seriously... I thought taxi drivers were supposed to take us where we want to go, right? Not take only customers who want to go where the drivers want to go...
It's become almost a daily battle for me, trying to control my temper, especially in the heat & this being the ramadhan month.... I'd be waiting for a taxi for 45 mins before one would actually, sometimes visibly grudgingly, agree to take me to my destination. I mean, really!

Just yesterday, after 20 minutes of waiting for a cab to actually stop, I open the door & say to the driver ‘melawati’ (yeah, we have to state the destination before actually entering the cab) the driver looks at me, thinks for a bit, then ‘haiya, ok la, ok la!’. I would like to mention that there was a slight jam on the way due to an accident on the OTHER side of the road about which the cabbie lost no time grumbling. ‘haiya, sini slalu jam, banyak susah la’ (there’s always a jam here. Its really bothersome). Then, when I arrived at my destination, with the meter showing RM6.30, the cabbie tells me that I should pay RM7 ‘ini jalan banyak jauh tau’ (this is really out of the way). I didn’t want to argue, so I paid...

You may think this was an isolated incident, but let me tell you.. it's NOT. It has happend to me on a regular basis. I never know how to react though, whether I should point out that he really doesn't deserve the extra or that he's just an arse for even suggesting that. I mean, he IS a cabbie right? It's his job to take me where I want to go, isn’t it? I AM a customer, right? And then there are those cabbies who don't charge by the meter. Oh my God, I hate those... I mean, a RM5 ride becomes rm25 from KLCC or Puduraya? It's annoying!

I dunno... maybe I'm not being fair. Maybe I have no right to demand that as a paying customer I should be served. Maybe with the petrol price hike & all, the cabbies need a break? I dunno... but I still think they're taking advantage of the situation & THAT is not right.


::phoenixnoir:: said...

Kalau boleh boycott taxi drivers kan bagus!!!
But then........who the hell will drive y'all around, ya know?
Stupid cabbies....
In Singapore, you have to only be in the taxi before you state your destination. Not that I'm saying Singapore is any better than Msia but come on...we get service as we pay for it, you know what I'm saying??
AAAHHH! Nunu is being a true Singaporean complaining about taxi cabbies in MALAYSIA!!

ainsamsudin said...

haha... lil sis, i dun think it takes a true s'porean to complain abt msian cabbies! but yes theyre bad.. we went thru it remember?