Tuesday, April 28, 2009

because they matter

i made a video clip... of sorts...

its actually just a bunch of pix i have lying around in the lappy... and i had some time... and i just wanted to prove that even an idiot can make a movie with windows movie maker... HAHA...

the music & lyrics are stevie wonder's the words are all mine... i hope you like it

Monday, April 27, 2009

what's up

haven't blogged in a while.... problems with connection from school... haven't talked to my nearest & dearest for quite awhile
*not to mention checked on facebook... but i guess that's a good thing, no?*

anyway... iwan had a haircut.. now he's botak. i like it!
heheh... he looks like an imp. so cheeky-looking like that lil kid in those kungfu movies... my cheeky monkey!

been thinking of starting a blog for stories but don't really know how to go about doing that... any help guys?

oh yeah... lil sis called me a grammar nazi.....................

i think that should be a whole other post but please siti nurul fitriah... i AM an english teacher


Sunday, April 19, 2009

read la

i'm tired of explaining myself.....
here... read this

Sunday, April 12, 2009

a little help please!

dear readers *yes ALL three of you!*
i need a favour to ask...
could you guys just click the ads on top of my blog?
you know the box just above,with all the flashing ads? i know you can see them!
ok, just roll your mouse over to them and click... it's so simple!!
help yarh? please?
thanks lots!!

my rock *because adding an 's' would make it sound weird*

it's english week...

there was a short sketch this morning by the primary 4 students... a very simple sketch, but it struck a chord in my heart...

it told the story of the 'friendship' between a boy and an apple tree... how the boy loved to play with the apple tree when he was small but the older he grew, the less time he would spend with the tree, only coming to it to ask for help... the tree would be happy whenever the boy came to visit and gave him whatever he asked for... first it was the apples for the boy to sell and buy toys with the money he got... then it was the branches to build a house for the boy, who by this time had become a young man, for his family to live in... then its trunk to build a boat for the boy to sail in... at the very end, the tree offered its roots for the old man to rest his tired body

needless to say, the story was an analogy...

the students went on to explain how the tree represents our parents and how much they are willing to give of themselves in our time of need but, more often than not, we, as children, are not willing to do the same... at times we don't even acknowledge them for all they have done for us

ibu & ayah, you have done so so so much for me... from the day i was conceived, you have given everything to make sure i want for nothing
every day, during every prayer, i pray to Allah that He takes care of you as how you have taken care of me all this time

ibu & ayah, you have tolerated all my shit and put up with my tantrums, whinings & angsty moments, i pray that if and when the time comes, i would be able to care for you just as, if not better, than how you have cared for me

ibu & ayah, thank you for your presence and your understanding and your endless support of everything i do... for guiding me and loving me without conditions... for believing in me and being proud of me even though there was almost nothing to be proud of

ibu & ayah, if i am able to be half as good a parent as you have been for me, i would be content

"thank you ibu, thank you ayah for bringing us out!"

Thursday, April 09, 2009

my latest project

i've decided to embark on a project....
i'm goin to write some children's books *something i've been wanting to do for some time now*
insya ALLAAH, it's going to be a series of stories of things that little children have to deal with growing up... you know, like being afraid of the dark... moving to a new place... getting a new sibling...
lil sis has offered to help *well actually she offered her friend to do the illustrations*
they're not going to be sent to a publisher or anything... don't think they would sell! but they will be for my children, my nieces & nephews....
pray that it works out!

Friday, April 03, 2009

my excitement for the month

so the aircon in my classroom caught fire this morning...
some animal flew out of it when i turned on the switch & then a few minutes later there was this explosion & flames came out of the aircon! naturally i was worried so i turned off the switch & shooed the two girls who were in the class with me... the flames had disappeared by then but smoke was curling out of the back of the darn thing...
in those few short minutes, word had gotten out that a fire had taken place & students were gathering outside my class...
the saying "curiosity killed the cat" started buzzing around in my mind...
i started looking for an extinguisher... there wasn't one around on my level so i rushed downstairs & there was one but *how embarrassing* i couldnt lift the damn thing... rushed back upstairs & asked the help of one of the male teachers *truly, may Allah bless you a thousand times!* & he rushed downstairs, got the extinguisher & put the fire out!
by then, two other teachers were around & had helped get my table, chair & books out of the way & the flames had gotten bigger & were dripping ... dripping!... down onto the floor!!
the smell was horrendous!
so... the walls are ruined... my class looks like a tornado hit because i cant bring myself to go in & clean up as i can hardly breathe *not only because the whole thing shook me up a bit but also because i think all the smoke gave me asthma*
the kids were all really excited though... they spent the whole morning playing around, not having to go to class... not having a class to go TO...
what a waste of a paint job