Wednesday, November 26, 2008

There's something that I've been wanting to write about for a long time. In fact, it was one of the reasons I started this blog. But, I've been putting it off. The reason for that is because I was afraid I wouldn't do it justice. The matter I've been wanting to write about is very, very close to my heart. To a very large extent, it governs my life and how I live it. Actually, not just to an extent... it DOES govern my life and how I live it. So you can understand why I have been putting in a LOT of thought before writing it.

I wouldn't say I know more now... in fact, I feel I know even less about this particular subject matter now than I did when I first started out to write about it. But, as it is, I feel that it is something I must say the way I feel it must be said. The reason I need to gather my thoughts is so that my writing wouldn't sound like a rant and have people think even less about this subject that is so dear to my heart.

I realise that I might not come out of this unscathed *oh my God, SO the drama*. I realise that a few toes would be trampled on but if that happens I will do my best to back up what I have said. Insya Allah....

So I'm gathering my thoughts...

Hopefully, I'll be ready to express them soon.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Let It End With You

The Nature vs Nurture argument has existed for a long time. Some say that people are born the way they are while others think that it is a person's environment that makes them what they are. I think I believe in the latter.

It's funny how, no matter how some people may disagree with how their parents brought them up, when they have kids of their own, they tend to make the same mistakes their own parents did. And it's sad because it's always the kids that get the raw end of the deal. Always.

When something like this happens, I always wonder who should be to blame: the parent who started it or the one who is perpetuating it. Can it really be fair to argue that since one has been brought up a certain way, that is how one's children be raised... no matter how questionable the methods?

Shouldn't it be that if one realises what damage has been, and ultimately could be, done, one should make the effort to ensure that it doesn't happen? Because, in the end it's always the kids that get the raw end of the deal. ALWAYS.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It has really been a looooong school year. I mean, really!
The beginning of the year, I had my baby and so was in 'confinement' for 2 months... (banyak punya confinement... 3 weeks dah pegi shopping!)
But after that, it was full speed ahead! So much so that I didn't even notice the year go by! But these three weeks were the worst! First was the setting of exam papers and the wait for them to be vetted & the corrections... and then the marking!! Urgh! After that, it was the rush for "Parents' Day" (sooo glad that was over... don't really know what to say to parents when they ask about their kids - especially the naughty ones!) And then was Performance Day!
I was on the prizes and award committee and the duty did not end till Performance Day was over.
Oh by the way, many many thanks to the two luverly girls who helped backstage AND on stage during the prize giving.
Today, we had a farewell party in school for the kids... so tiring with the kids running around where they shouldn't be and the cleaning up of the food...
All I want to do now is just sit back and relax a bit... before another year of this!