Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There is one thing I treasure above all else & that is family. No matter what I have said in the past, I would do anything and everything I possibly can for any member of my family who may need my help. And that includes in-laws. I feel really sad when I hear of people who wouldn’t, lend a helping hand to family members in need. I mean, even if you can’t help them physically or financially, you could always give support, right? A listening ear... a shoulder to cry on.

I can’t imagine not doing anything when my own flesh & blood (or my husband’s) are hurting with some problem. Sometimes I hear people mistreating the people closest to them & it just breaks my heart. Being snubbed by a family member... that’s the worst thing that can happen to a person. I’ve heard from other people who’ve experienced such things and I’ve witnessed it being done by some people around me and I don’t like it. I mean, no matter what that person has done... no matter how busy you think you are... no matter how many other people are ready to rush in & help the person in question... if you know a family member is in distress, the very absolute least you can do is lend moral support, isn’t it? That is, if you can’t do anything else... but come on, don’t leave the person hanging.

That being said, it has to be said that I have the absolute best family in the world (this includes you too, Tata). Every single member of my family would readily drop everything and help any other member who might be in trouble. All praise be to Allah who has allowed me to be in this amazing family. My parents, Allah bless them, have been there for me & have helped me through so much I can only hope to be able to repay them. The same goes for my siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles... I feel so fortunate that I was born into this family. I know I haven’t always shown this & have said a few things to the contrary before but I know better now. I wish there was a way to take it all back but for now I can only hope & pray that I will never forget everything they have done for me & that Allah will give me the chance to repay them some day

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Top 10 reasons why I love SUHARNITA MD TAHIR

10. The times we spent together are still among the best times I’ve ever had.

9. She literally goes red in the face when she’s embarrassed.

8. We’ve been through hell & high water together (seriously!)

7. Farting is something we can do together!

6. I can always count on her to distract me when I’m studying for my exams ;)

5. Thinking about her always brings a smile to my face

4. I can always count on her to tell me I’ve screwed up.

3. She’s one of the most loyal people I know; she’s stuck with me no matter how shitty I can get.

2. She’s got a huge heart & an amazing capacity to love.

1. Because she’s a great human being & I’m just glad I can call her my friend.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

But I already knew this!

It came out in yahoo today... Malaysian taxi drivers are the worst in the world... well... I’ve known that for quite some time now. I mean, seriously... I thought taxi drivers were supposed to take us where we want to go, right? Not take only customers who want to go where the drivers want to go...
It's become almost a daily battle for me, trying to control my temper, especially in the heat & this being the ramadhan month.... I'd be waiting for a taxi for 45 mins before one would actually, sometimes visibly grudgingly, agree to take me to my destination. I mean, really!

Just yesterday, after 20 minutes of waiting for a cab to actually stop, I open the door & say to the driver ‘melawati’ (yeah, we have to state the destination before actually entering the cab) the driver looks at me, thinks for a bit, then ‘haiya, ok la, ok la!’. I would like to mention that there was a slight jam on the way due to an accident on the OTHER side of the road about which the cabbie lost no time grumbling. ‘haiya, sini slalu jam, banyak susah la’ (there’s always a jam here. Its really bothersome). Then, when I arrived at my destination, with the meter showing RM6.30, the cabbie tells me that I should pay RM7 ‘ini jalan banyak jauh tau’ (this is really out of the way). I didn’t want to argue, so I paid...

You may think this was an isolated incident, but let me tell you.. it's NOT. It has happend to me on a regular basis. I never know how to react though, whether I should point out that he really doesn't deserve the extra or that he's just an arse for even suggesting that. I mean, he IS a cabbie right? It's his job to take me where I want to go, isn’t it? I AM a customer, right? And then there are those cabbies who don't charge by the meter. Oh my God, I hate those... I mean, a RM5 ride becomes rm25 from KLCC or Puduraya? It's annoying!

I dunno... maybe I'm not being fair. Maybe I have no right to demand that as a paying customer I should be served. Maybe with the petrol price hike & all, the cabbies need a break? I dunno... but I still think they're taking advantage of the situation & THAT is not right.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Love at first sight

When I had my miscarriage my mom reminded me that there's always a reason for everything that Allah does. In my grief, naturally, I failed to see the silver lining behind that dark, grey cloud. Far from holding blame or 'losing my faith', I gave in wholeheartedly to His Grace and Will.

Even though I was devastated, I told myself to be patient and that Allah had bigger plans for me. I held firm to the belief that He would never test me with something I could not handle. But deep in my heart, I still couldn't help thinking about what could have been. Even throughout my pregnancy with Chikuk, his Dad and I would still talk about the baby we lost. I'll always feel some guilt for that. But all that would soon change.

I remember... The first time I locked eyes with my little prince (9 LOOOOOOOONG hours after he was born because the nurses felt I should rest), I finally saw that brilliant silver lining. What Allah had been preparing me for... Had I had the first baby, this beautiful, amazing, wonderful being I was holding in my arms would never be in existence. I would never know the joy and happiness that only he could have brought into my life. I thank Allah for giving me the strength to hold on and be patient. And for this wonderful gift that he has given me...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My sister & me

I can't help it but I always feel a bit jealous when I hear other women saying that their sisters are their best friends. It's not that I have a bad relationship with mine, it's just that our age difference has kind of made it a little difficult for us to be very close. Not to mention the 300-some kilometres separating us. When Adik was 5, I was 16 and you KNOW what most 16 year olds are like! I felt that there was no way I could relate to her so... I didn't even try. It seemed that everything she did just pissed the heck out of me and every time she wanted to come in to our room, I kept wanting to throw her out... poor kid! Mom kept telling me that she never asked to be the youngest and I, selfishly, thought that I never wanted to be the eldest either. So I ended up pushing the little angel further and further away.

5 years later, I went to further my studies in KL (where I've been pretty much ever since) and missed out on watching Lil Sis grow....

Before I knew it, that sweet baby grew up to be a totally different person. Not bad... just different... She was moody and sullen and oh my God, she could have the WORST of mood swings.... Seriously! It was extremely annoying! For the longest time, it was so difficult to even talk to her without losing my temper. Every time I tried talking to her, I found that our views were so different and I felt like I would lose my temper with her remarks and attitude.

But now I realise, none of that was really her fault... Just like I wasn't really sure how to be a big sister, neither was she about having one. How we treated her in the past had something to do with it as well, I admit... The three of us, my brothers and me, were quite the bullies... We didn't beat her up or anything, but we used to tease her a lot and could be quite mean sometimes, I think.

Now, I'm trying my very best to get on better ground with Adik. I think having my sis-in-law around has made things better for us... Adik has a good relationship with her because they're closer in age and because of that, inadvertently, she knows how to relate to me as well. It's the same for me too, I think, although I'm not as close to her as Adik is (darn the distance!).

What I'm sure of is, although I'm not expecting us to be BFF tomorrow, I will try my best to make this relationship work because Lil Sis really is a great person.

My how time flies!

Oh goodness, it HAS been ages...

So much has changed these past years.... I've grown older and (I hope) wiser....
Gotten married

had a kid,

holding down a teaching job

and the job of being a wife and mother (YES, no matter what you say, it IS a job), I suppose it could be said I've had my hands full.... (Could that be a good excuse for not updating my blog?)
So anyway, I'll try my best to keep it up this time and hopefully stick to it because apparently, at least ONE person on God's beautiful Earth reads this!