Wednesday, July 08, 2009

selfishness & insincerity

am i being selfish if i feel that i should get some form of recognition for the work i do?
am i being insincere if i feel that my time could be well-spent at a job that pays better?

to be honest, there are times when i find myself wondering why i stay
but i know that i'm here because i want to make a difference
i know that i could probably get a job somewhere else... a job that would pay much much better than where i am now... working at a place that may value my input more and gives me a stronger sense of security

but it won't be the same...

over here, i know i can have some impact on our future generation
over here, i know what i say and what i do has more potential to reach the ummah than if i were (almost) anywhere else
over here, my jihad can mean something
and that is why i stay

i admit, i wouldn't be here if i had the means
i admit, in an ideal situation, i would love to stay at home and educate my children and maybe spend more time on my writing
but, the situation is as it is and i need to do what i can to help my husband
and that is why i stay

yes, i'm here because i need the money but i stay because i believe

does that make me selfish and insincere?

if it does, may Allaah forgive me because those are the last things i want to be